

OOPS. I have been very bad about this whole thing. Between homecoming week, multiple feild trips, and sickness, i have not found much time to blog.
So basically... this is the dealio:
I have been seeing a chiropractor mondays, wednesdays, and fridays to correct my neck and junk
I have been seeing my boyfriend every tuesday...
I have been in school
I have been babysitting
I have been in Ohio...
I have been preparing for HC week
I have been in scholars bowl tournaments
I have been at scholars bowl practice
I have been in drama
I have been in debate
I have been helping prepare science club
I have been doing spanish work
I have been keeping an insight journal.
I have been trying to keep up with Algebra II
I have been in church
I have been fundraising
I have been teaching
I have been Hiking
I have been skating
I have been to a Renaissance Festival
I have been busy...


the shit hits the fan

We had a tournament that we hosted at school for drama/debate...
and one of our 'leaders' decided to talk about our AMAZING coach... and say bad things to another team....
Giving us a bad name.
so... it was addressed today, and just like that... things BLOW up... and we find out that this kid went through a personal email inbox that belonged to our coach...
long story short... MY integrity ended up being the only positive about this afternoon...
Christi, aka Mrs. Ridley left school sick... and I was stuck with her classes and a sub... who was slightly less than sure of my ability to handle the class...
I mean... really...? I LIVE THERE!



or maybe the day before...
I was sitting with you...
but you somehow are gone...
for months according to the headstone
but how...
how does august turn to october.
and how dare it?
the world just keeps moving
why don't they wait for me...
why didn't you wait
until i was ready for you to leave?
see how you have left me...



I am needing to continue blogging.
I miss it... and I have been getting depressed again. this was my vent... and I NEED it back...
so, again, I will resume AT LEAST once a week.
I have been feeling angry lately...
at dead people none-the-less...
I am SO mad at them for being gone... =(