

Today, I went to Melissa's shop and got my eyebrows done. She looks much different to me than she did before... in a very good way. She looks happier and healthier I suppose.
Then I came home... I went bead shopping again. It's an addiction.
We got fireworks
and had aunt wally's birthday dinner.
for some reason, I have a slow alternative song playing as my background music... metaphorically...
I have not been posting as much... and I wish I was, because I have a lot to blog about... I just have drifted away.
I will try to get back on it.
Sorry people... I guess it just seems pointless. I haven't had a sign of a reader in weeks... and I know you are reading... but... for some reason, my hits are not going up, and my followers are lateral. The views and such usually give me a reason to want to continue posting... I don't know.
I have a few I posted early this week, and marked private because I realized they may upset somebody who reads this... because I was angry with that person.
So anyway... I will be going on a vacation... and posting daily from grandma's computer. =)

1 comment:

  1. Nothing is *ever* pointless - you should know that by now. There is a rhyme and a reason to every breeze, blade of grass and whisper of the wind. Many blogs don't get any traffic at all. It's hard to estimate, but I figure out of an estimated 100,000,000 blogs a good 80 percent of those are *only* trafficked by their authors: 80,000,000 blogs.

    ;-) That's why blogspot includes the toolbar with "next blog" on top so random traffic hits appear occasionally for those who have included stat counters.

    That makes your blog the equivalent of grand central station.
