
Look around

Can you take a minute. Consider every person you love. Not just family, and not friends, and not just romantic love.
Consider people you would cry for. Consider people who have given you anything, whether it be advice, knowledge, money, a hug... anything at all.
Now... imagine one person you know... a whole family you know.
You know these people... and care about them...
and you find out... one of them is going to die this week.
Now what do you do?
What do you say to them?
What about to their family?

I had this happen...
and spent 4 hours with the person...
knowing she would die...
and she is going to...
.but when?
I don't know.
The optimists all become pessimists at one point or another
and the loving all display hatred

Even if they return to who they once were...
they're all affected by the events

I love so many people.

1 comment:

  1. That's what makes life so challenging. Empathy, such as you display, requires an almost supernatural ability to act as a catalyst for good in a bad environment.

    That's a form of leadership. The ability to be the cheering voice heard above the boos and catcalls. The one who can have a face down with a pack of school bullies and still keep her head and leave with her positive attitude intact. The one who can face death and see it much like birth - another transition.

    Tears and remorse soon lose their purpose. One soon sees that flip side of the coin. Everything one once viewed as sad or bad, now is also happy and good. With such perspective the tears soon dry up and smiles and laughter replace them.

    You're intutitively aware of this already. Your blog is already a testimony to your ability to turn sadness into joy and darkness into light.

    You will triumph over this set of experiences, learning about yourself all the while, and move on to the next challenge.

    It's your special way. :)
