
I failed to post yesterday

Sorry about that... but it was dad's birthday, and kris had an ear infection SO bad his ear was swollen shut....
BUT TODAY... I led my church service... and all went well... everyone was giving me advice... but I have no trouble speaking in front of people. I just repeated over and over that I was NOT nervous... and affirmed positive outcome... and sure as hell... I rocked the church. haha. Ironic... 'sure as hell' I don't believe in hell... so I should say 'unsure as hell'

1 comment:

  1. Congrats on leading the service. Hope your dad'd birthday was fine and that Kris's ear is better - ear infections can be particularly painful.

    As for hell, it's all relative. One person's heaven is another's hell. The secret is through learning we turn all our small private 'hells' into heavens. By facing our fears or learning new things we thought we would abhor - we do just that.
