
in love still

OK. I am still in love... many months later... but I always will be in love with what I remember. I remember the beginning of the relationship. It was pure magic. EVERY night, we talked for hours... and i really felt loved... I was told I was loved... and I knew it. As things grew apart... I just held onto those first couple months. I am not in love with him now... I am in love with him then... and I think maybe just maybe... the him then was drowned out by the us... in the end. Maybe after a long break... it will be the US it was before... and not... the us it is now... =/


  1. (start lecture)

    We all are in love with love to some degree. We want to be loved and we want to love others. It's all those details that make Love the ultimate challenge. We learn that being in love only matters when it is the right person for us. Otherwise the love just hurts both. At this time there are 6,500,000,000,000 humans swarming all over the Earth - all wanting to love and be loved. Each has a unique mind and body. Many feel their lives are passing them by and they fear they will not know *true love* and so settle for the next best thing or whomever is handy and returns interest. The result: divorces, unwanted children, poverty, abortions, infidelity and what's worse - an unhappiness even worse than they tried to avoid.

    So what I'm saying is - you're not alone. You're so far from alone it's not even funny. Billions of teens right now are all going through the exact same emotions - often helped along by hormones.

    Love is more than feeling loved, it is having goals, dreams and aspirations in common. It is finding someones mind, body and soul completely compatible with one's own. Love is when you find someone you like just as they are, and have no desire or compulsion to mold them into what one is truly seeking.

    This one girl I know, cut her hair and dyed it to try and win a guys 'undying love'. He used her, dumped her and started rumors about her after going out only three weeks. She was devastated and yet she *knew* this guy was her "soulmate". She found out the hard way that perceptions and wishes come crashing down to hard reality. And her story is probably repeated by a million girls every single day.

    Sorry for the lecture. It just seems to me you need to know you ARE loved. And even more importantly - you need to love yourself first. When you love yourself, you no longer feel the gnawing need to point at someone and say 'he loves me!' or 'she loves me!' - because, Sami, LOVE isn't about who loves YOU, it's about whom YOU love!

    Once you realize that, love is not something you *seek* out - it's something you *give* and it comes from your heart. And all those around you will feel it and you will be loved like never before.



  2. That was the truest thing Ive heard in my life. . .

  3. We never fall out of BEING in love...
